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Getting started


Just install it using your favorite package manager.

Needle DI is published to NPM and JSR, and is also compatible with Deno.

npm install @needle-di/core
yarn add @needle-di/core
pnpm install @needle-di/core
deno add jsr:@needle-di/core

Transpiler settings

Needle DI uses native ECMAScript decorators, which are currently in stage 3 of the TC39 standardization process.

If you're using Deno, you can run your code as-is. However, when running on Node.js or in a browser, you might need to transpile your code first, as your runtime might not have implemented it yet.

Make sure to use ES2022 or lower as target:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2022"
export default defineConfig({
  esbuild: {
    target: 'es2022',
    // ...
  // ...
esbuild app.js --target=es2022

Basic example

Here’s a simple example using constructor injection to inject one service into another.

import { injectable, inject } from "@needle-di/core";

class FooService {
    // ...

class BarService {
  constructor(private fooService = inject(FooService)) {}
  //                  ^? Type will be inferred as `FooService`

As you can see, Needle DI uses default parameter values for constructor injection.

The @injectable decorator eliminates the need to register services manually. To construct the BarService, you have to create a dependency injection container, and use the container.get() method:

import { Container } from "@needle-di/core";

const container = new Container();
const barService = container.get(BarService);
//    ^? Type will be inferred as `BarService`

That's it!

What's next?

Check out the concepts to learn more and see more examples.

Released under the MIT License